The chart below shows how VIRT performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, VIRT sees a -2.87% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -2.47% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.20%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Strong Trading Income Performance: Generated $7,270,000 of adjusted net trading income per day in Q4 2024, reflecting a strong performance compared to the previous quarter.
Strong EPS Performance: Achieved a normalized adjusted EPS of $1.14 for Q4 2024, contributing to a full-year EPS of $3.55, indicating robust profitability.
Market Making Income Surge: Market Making segment earned an average of $5,500,000 per day of adjusted net trading income in Q4, a 23% increase from the previous quarter.
Adjusted Net Trading Income Growth: Execution Services delivered $1,700,000 per day of adjusted net trading income in Q4, marking a 12% increase and the best quarter since Q1 2022.
EBITDA Margin Performance: Maintained a 61.9% adjusted EBITDA margin in Q4 2024, demonstrating effective cost management and operational efficiency.
Decline in Trading Income: Adjusted net trading income for Q4 2024 was $458 million, a decrease from previous quarters, indicating a decline in trading performance.
EPS Decline in Q4: Normalized adjusted EPS for Q4 2024 was $1.14, down from $1.30 in Q3 2024, reflecting reduced profitability.
Rising Operating Expenses: Adjusted operating expenses for Q4 2024 totaled $191 million, which is a significant increase compared to $150 million in Q3 2024, indicating rising costs.
Rising Interest Expense: Financing interest expense rose to $27 million in Q4 2024, up from $20 million in Q3 2024, reflecting increased debt servicing costs.
Market Making Challenges: Despite a strong performance in Market Making, realized volatility was down across the board, suggesting a challenging trading environment.
Earnings call transcript: Virtu Financial Q4 2024 beats EPS forecasts