Based on the provided data and current valuation metrics, RGA appears to be fairly valued. The company's PE ratio of 19.93 is slightly above the industry average, while its EV/EBITDA of 10.96 suggests reasonable operational efficiency. The price-to-sales ratio of 0.65 indicates the stock is trading at an attractive level relative to revenue. Recent analyst actions show mixed sentiment, with Piper Sandler lowering their price target to $242 while maintaining an Overweight rating. The stock's current trading price of $200.55 represents a -3.80% decline in today's session, suggesting potential buying opportunity for value investors.
The company's fundamentals remain solid with healthy dividend yield of 1.63% and recent strategic moves like investing in PACT Capital to enhance investment capabilities. Multiple analysts maintain buy ratings with price targets ranging from $232 to $252, implying an average upside potential of around 13-15% from current levels.
The recent price decline appears more related to short-term market dynamics and Q4 earnings miss due to claims experience in international markets rather than fundamental deterioration. The company has implemented additional pricing actions in U.S. traditional markets to improve profitability, which should support future earnings growth.