The chart below shows how DLR performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, DLR sees a -0.84% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -0.06% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +1.27%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Record Leasing Volume: New leasing volume of $521 million shattered prior record and exceeded expectations for the realmo of possibility in a quarter.
Record Leasing Activity: 3Q leasing was more than a fully year's growth by previous standards as activity in the quarter exceeded the leasing completed in all of 2023, pushing our backlog of signed, but not commenced leases up to nearly $860 million.
Leasing Growth Drivers: Greater than 1 megawatt leasing was the primary driver over 0 megawatts to 1 megawatt plus interconnection segment also posted record bookings in the quarter.
Data Center Pricing Improvement: Strong fundamentals translated into improved pricing for data center capacity, and this was evident across both new and renewed leases with record rates on new greater than 1 megawatt leases, 4% escalators on the majority of new leases and a record 15% uplift in cash renewal spreads in the quarter.
Development Pipeline Expansion: Our development pipeline increased by nearly 50% sequentially to 644 megawatts under construction and is now 74% pre-leased at a 12% average expected yield as a result of successful leasing of shell and land capacity in North America.
Record Leasing Volume Achieved: new leasing volume of $521 million at our share, shattered our prior record and even our own expectations for the realm of possibility in a quarter.
Leasing Activity Surge: 3Q leasing was more than a fully year's growth by previous standards as activity in the quarter exceeded the leasing completed in all of 2023, pushing our backlog of signed, but not commenced leases up to nearly $860 million.
Leasing and Interconnection Growth: while greater than 1 megawatt leasing was the primary driver over 0 megawatts to 1 megawatt plus interconnection segment also posted record bookings in the quarter.
New Lease Agreements: we signed $521 million of new leases in the third quarter, of which $450 million fell into the greater than 1 megawatt category and was heavily weighted toward the Americas.
Record Lease and Booking Growth: we also signed $50 million of 0-1 megawatt leases and $16 million of interconnection bookings. Each of these figures were new records for Digital Realty.
Digital Realty Trust, Inc. (DLR) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript