The chart below shows how WKC performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, WKC sees a -1.51% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -2.42% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.82%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Land Segment Recovery: Our Land segment rebounded from the second quarter as expected, highlighting our progress towards more predictable financial results.
Operational Efficiency Commitment: Our overall business performed in line with the guidance provided last quarter, demonstrating our commitment to operational efficiency.
Gross Profit Increase: Marine generated an 8% year-over-year increase in gross profit, showcasing strong performance in our core commercial business activities.
Marine Operating Margin Improvement: Marine operating margin improved by 450 basis points, demonstrating the power of the platform to create operating leverage.
Share Repurchase Commitment: We repurchased an additional $28 million of shares, increasing total year-to-date repurchases to $57 million, reflecting our commitment to returning capital to shareholders.
Volume and Profit Decline: Total volume of $4.4 billion was down slightly year-over-year, and consolidated gross profit declined 5% from last year's third quarter to $268 million.
Segment Profit Decline: The year-over-year decline was primarily due to lower gross profit in our Land segment, partially offset by higher gross profit in both Aviation and Marine.
Aviation Volume Decline: Our aviation volume was down approximately 16 million gallons, or just about 1% year-over-year.
Land Business Volume Decline: In the Land business, volumes decreased 3% year-over-year, primarily driven by decreases in our North American wholesale and retail business activities, offset in part by increased natural gas and power volume.
Negative Operating Cash Flow: Operating cash flow was actually negative $39 million.
World Kinect Corporation (WKC) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript