The chart below shows how UFCS performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, UFCS sees a +7.39% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +6.78% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -2.31%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Premium Growth Surge: Net written premiums grew 23% to $305.6 million, with growth led by our core commercial and alternative distribution businesses.
Steady Commercial Growth: Core commercial growth remained steady, with average renewal premium increases exceeding 12%, stable retention and strong new business production.
Liability Rate Increases: Rate increases accelerated to 11.2%, exceeding loss trends with all liability lines near or above double-digit rate increases.
Combined Ratio Improvement: The third quarter GAAP combined ratio improved 3.8 points to 98.2% from ongoing actions to improve core margins, stable prior period reserve development and catastrophe losses below prior year and historical averages.
Loss Ratio Improvement: The third quarter underlying loss ratio of 57.9% improved 2.6 points from prior year, reflecting strong earned rate achievement exceeding loss trends, continued underwriting discipline and lower-than-expected property large loss experience.
Loss Ratio Improvement: The third quarter underlying loss ratio of 57.9% improved 2.6 points from prior year, reflecting strong earned rate achievement exceeding loss trends, while lower-than-expected large property loss experience.
Combined Ratio Improvement: The third quarter GAAP combined ratio improved 3.8 points to 98.2% from ongoing actions to improve core margins, stable prior period reserve development and catastrophic losses below prior year and historical averages.
Net Investment Income Surge: The third quarter net investment income of $24.4 million increased 49% or $8 million above prior year, due to strong improvement in both fixed income and alternative asset portfolio returns.
Underwriting Expense Ratio Increase: The underwriting expense ratio in the third quarter was 35.9%, slightly higher than prior year, as a result of stronger business performance during the current quarter and increased technology costs as we invest in continued growth.
Net Income and Book Value: The third quarter net income was $0.76 per diluted share, with a non-GAAP adjusted operating gain of $0.81 per diluted share, indicating a significant decrease in unrealized loss position, resulting in book value per common share increasing to $31.01.
United Fire Group, Inc. (UFCS) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript