The chart below shows how QS performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, QS sees a +1.13% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -12.13% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.50%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Production Milestone Achieved: Quantum Scape has begun producing low volumes of its first BSample cells, achieving a significant milestone for 2024 and starting customer testing.
High Energy Density Cells: The QSE-5 cells have a measured energy density of 844 watt-hours per liter, capable of fast charging from 10% to 80% in just over 12 minutes.
Anode-Free Battery Innovation: The QSE-5 represents an important milestone for Quantum Scape and the battery industry as a whole, being the first anode-free solid-state lithium metal cell design ever produced for next-generation automotive applications.
Production Capability Enhancement: The collaboration with PowerCo is expected to enhance Quantum Scape's production capabilities, with PowerCo investing in the necessary capital for gigawatt-hour scale production facilities.
Strong Liquidity Position: Quantum Scape ended Q3 with $841 million in liquidity, positioning the company well for future growth and development.
CapEx for Prototype Production: Q3 CapEx primarily supported equipment purchases for low volume QSE-5 prototype product production as well as the Cobra process and other equipment as we prepare for higher volume QSE-5 prototype product production in 2025.
Operating Expenses and Net Loss: GAAP operating expenses and GAAP net loss were $130.2 million and $119.7 million, respectively.
Adjusted EBITDA Loss: Adjusted EBITDA loss was $71.6 million in Q3 and in line with expectations.
Adjusted EBITDA Guidance Update: This quarter, we tightened our fully year guidance for adjusted EBITDA loss to be between $280 million and $300 million within original guidance, but at the higher end of the original range, primarily due to higher legal fees and settlement accruals in 2024, that we do not expect to reoccur in 2025.
Liquidity Position Update: We ended Q3 with $841 million in liquidity.
QuantumScape Corporation (QS) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript