The chart below shows how PTON performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, PTON sees a -3.21% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +3.60% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +5.97%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Workout Participation Metrics: Over 2,000,000 unique members completed strength training, boot camp, Pilates, or yoga workouts in Q2, driving 735 million minutes of workout time, which equaled 75% of total cycling workouts.
Connected Fitness Margin Improvement: Connected Fitness products gross margin reached 12.9%, marking the first time in over three years that it achieved double digits, driven by a favorable mix of premium-priced products and disciplined discounting.
EBITDA Growth Exceeds Expectations: Adjusted EBITDA increased by $140 million year over year, reaching $58 million in Q2, significantly exceeding the high end of guidance by $28 million.
Free Cash Flow Improvement: Free cash flow improved to $106 million in Q2, representing a $143 million increase year over year and marking the fourth consecutive quarter of positive free cash flow.
Debt Reduction Progress: Net debt decreased by over $280 million or 30% year over year, reflecting progress in deleveraging the balance sheet and improving financial stability.
Decline in Fitness Subscriptions: Paid Connected Fitness subscriptions decreased by 21,000 in Q2, reflecting a concerning trend in customer retention despite favorable net churn.
Connected Fitness Revenue Decline: Total revenue was $674 million, which included a $66 million or 21% year-over-year decline in Connected Fitness products revenue, indicating a significant drop in hardware sales.
Subscription Revenue Decline: Subscription revenue decreased by $4 million or 1% year-over-year, suggesting stagnation in recurring revenue growth despite an increase in paid subscriptions.
Retail Sales Performance Issues: Third-party retail sales were lower than expected, attributed to reduced promotional discounts on the original bike, which may hinder customer acquisition efforts.
Subscription Churn Rate Increase: The average net monthly paid Connected Fitness subscription churn rate increased by 20 basis points year-over-year, indicating potential challenges in maintaining customer loyalty.
Earnings call transcript: Peloton Q2 2024 sees 28% stock surge despite EPS miss