Based on the provided data and current market context, let's analyze whether Goldman Sachs (GS) is overvalued.
Valuation Analysis
Goldman Sachs currently trades with a forward P/E of 14.12x (Q4 2024), which is relatively modest compared to the broader financial sector. The EV/EBITDA ratio of 31.57x in Q4 2024 shows a slight decrease from Q3's 36.14x, indicating improving operational efficiency.
Recent Performance
The company has demonstrated strong earnings performance with Q4 2024 EPS of $11.95, showing significant improvement from Q3's $8.40. Net income increased substantially from $2.78B in Q3 to $3.92B in Q4 2024, reflecting robust business execution.
Analyst Sentiment
Recent analyst actions are predominantly positive. Morgan Stanley raised their price target to $782 with high conviction about early stages of a multi-year capital markets cycle. Barclays maintains a Buy rating with a $760 target, citing expectations for increased M&A and IPO activity.
Growth Metrics
The company's ROE has shown steady improvement, increasing from 8.17% in Q1 to 11.88% in Q4 2024, indicating efficient capital utilization. Net margin also expanded from 13.48% to 13.89% in Q4 2024.
Based on these metrics, GS is not overvalued at current levels. The improving operational metrics, strong analyst support, and reasonable forward P/E multiple suggest the stock has room for further appreciation.