Based on the provided data, I'll analyze whether CHT is overvalued through multiple valuation metrics and recent performance.
Valuation Analysis
CHT currently trades at a P/E of 27.04x (Q3 2024), which is relatively high compared to its historical levels from earlier quarters (26.05x in Q1 2024). The EV/EBITDA ratio has also increased to 11.45x from 10.87x in Q1 2024, suggesting expanding valuation multiples.
Financial Performance
The company's revenue has shown some weakness, declining from $1.75B in Q1 2024 to $1.72B in Q3 2024. Net income also decreased from $299M to $279M in the same period, indicating some operational challenges.
Market Position
CHT maintains stable gross margins around 37% and net margins of 16-17%, demonstrating consistent operational efficiency despite revenue pressures. The company's debt-to-equity ratio of 11.25% in Q3 2024 indicates conservative financial leverage.
Current Trading
At $38.40, CHT is trading near its recent highs with relatively low volume of 57,261 shares, suggesting limited buying pressure. The stock's dividend yield of 3.73% provides some valuation support.
Based on these metrics, CHT appears moderately overvalued at current levels given its declining revenue and earnings trajectory combined with expanding valuation multiples.