Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. is a biotechnology company that develops, and markets deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) based technology solutions. The Company is utilizing its LinearDNA large-scale polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based manufacturing platform. The Company’s proprietary platform produces large quantities of DNA for use in the nucleic acid-based in vitro diagnostics and preclinical nucleic-acid based drug development and manufacturing markets and for supply chain security, anti-counterfeiting and anti-theft technology purposes. It also develops PCR-based molecular in vitro diagnostics for covid-19. In addition, under its wholly owned subsidiary, Applied DNA Clinical Labs, LLC, the Company is offering a high-throughput turnkey solution for population-scale Covid-19 testing marketed as safeCircle. safeCircle utilizes the Company’s Covid-19 Diagnostic Tests and is designed to look for infection within defined populations or communities utilizing high throughput testing methodologies.