The chart below shows how SDRL performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, SDRL sees a +2.93% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -1.64% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.87%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
EBITDA Guidance Increase: 1. Increased EBITDA Guidance: Seadrill raised its full-year adjusted EBITDA guidance midpoint by 13% to $385 million, driven by strong performance from the Sevan Louisiana and additional work secured.
Contract Utilization Improvement: 2. Strong Contract Utilization: The company achieved 70% contract utilization for its market and managed fleet in calendar year 2025, with expectations for improvement as customer conversations convert to contracts.
Share Repurchase Program Update: 3. Significant Share Repurchases: Seadrill completed $183 million in share repurchases during the third quarter, totaling $692 million returned to shareholders since initiating the buyback program in September 2023, reducing the issued share count by 19%.
Quarterly Revenue Highlights: 4. Positive Revenue Performance: The company reported $354 million in total operating revenues for the third quarter, with contract drilling revenues effectively flat quarter-on-quarter at $263 million, supported by the Sevan Louisiana's higher average rate.
Drillship Integration Success: 5. Successful Integration of Aquadrill Drillships: Seadrill successfully reintegrated four Aquadrill drillships into its fleet, exceeding cost synergy targets and enhancing operational efficiency.
Revenue Decline Analysis: 1. Declining Total Operating Revenues: Seadrill reported total operating revenues of $354 million in Q3 2024, down from $375 million in the prior quarter, indicating a sequential decline in revenue generation.
Operating Expenses Increase: 2. Increased Operating Expenses: Total operating expenses rose to $307 million in Q3 2024, up from $290 million in the previous quarter, driven by higher vessel operating expenses and management contract expenses.
Decreased EBITDA Margin: 3. Lower Adjusted EBITDA Margin: The adjusted EBITDA margin, excluding reimbursables, was 27.5% in Q3 2024, reflecting a decrease in profitability compared to previous quarters due to rising costs and lower revenues.
Market Demand Decline: 4. Softening Market Conditions: Drillship marketed utilization has slipped below 90% and is currently hovering in the high 80s, indicating a weakening demand environment that may lead to further downward pressure on rates in 2025.
Contracting Activity Decline: 5. Reduced Contracting Activity: The company noted a slow pace of contracting tied to market uncertainties, with many contracts being deferred into 2026, which could negatively impact future revenue and cash flow.
Seadrill Limited (SDRL) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript