The chart below shows how PLAB performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, PLAB sees a +2.59% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +0.17% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.30%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
First Quarter Sales Performance: First quarter sales of $212 million were in-line with expectations and normal seasonal trends.
Strong Financial Performance: Non-GAAP diluted EPS of $0.52 was above the high end of guidance, indicating strong financial performance.
Cash Flow Generation: Strong cash flow generation with $78 million in operating cash flow, representing 37% of total revenue.
High-End IC Revenue Growth: High-end IC business increased to 39% of total IC revenue, demonstrating a successful shift towards higher-margin products.
Stable FPD Revenue: FPD revenue remained stable at $58 million, showcasing resilience in a challenging market environment.
Strong Operating Margin Performance: Operating margin of 25% was at the high end of guidance, reflecting effective cost management and operational efficiency.
Cash Position and Flexibility: Total cash at the end of the quarter was $642 million, providing financial flexibility for future investments.
CapEx Commitment for Expansion: Commitment to a $200 million CapEx plan in 2025 to support capacity expansion and customer opportunities.
IC Revenue Decline: IC revenue declined 2% year-over-year due to weakness in Asia and Europe, particularly at older nodes.
Revenue Decline Analysis: Total revenue declined 5% sequentially, led by a 6% decline in IC revenue quarter-over-quarter.
Weak European Sales Outlook: Sales from European facilities were weaker than anticipated, and this situation is expected to continue.
IC Revenue Decline: Mainstream IC revenue declined 9%, reflecting overall softness in the semiconductor industry.
IC Business Decline: Despite an increase in high-end business, the overall IC business out of Asia and the U.S. declined sequentially due to typical seasonality.
Operating Margin Performance: Operating margin was at the high end of guidance, but gross margins declined slightly to 36% due to lower sales volumes.
Product Demand Variability: Demand for products is inherently uneven and difficult to predict, with limited visibility and a typical backlog of one to three weeks.
Market Caution for 2025: Current market conditions and Q2 outlook have led to increased caution about 2025.
Second Quarter Revenue Guidance: Expectations for second quarter revenue are lower than first quarter results, with guidance of $208 million to $216 million.
Photronics, Inc. (PLAB) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript