The chart below shows how LBTYA performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, LBTYA sees a +1.01% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -0.66% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.71%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Shareholder Value Enhancement: 1. Significant Shareholder Value Creation: Liberty Global is on track to return nearly $5 billion to shareholders, including a $700 million share buyback and a projected $4.2 billion from the Sunrise spinoff, representing a substantial portion of its $7.6 billion market cap.
Cash Reserves Strength: 2. Strong Cash Position: The company reported a robust cash balance of approximately $3.5 billion at the end of Q3 2024, supporting ongoing investments and shareholder returns.
Subscriber Momentum Improvement: 3. Positive Subscriber Growth: Virgin Media O2 added 16,000 broadband subscribers in Q3 2024, marking a significant improvement in subscriber momentum despite a competitive market.
Asset Sales Success: 4. Successful Asset Sales: Liberty Global realized $900 million in asset sales over the past year, demonstrating its ability to optimize its investment portfolio and generate substantial returns.
EBITDA Growth and Efficiency: 5. Stable EBITDA Performance: Telenet achieved a 5.2% growth in adjusted EBITDA in Q3 2024, driven by effective cost control and a one-off revenue item, showcasing operational efficiency.
Revenue Decline Analysis: 1. Revenue Decline in Virgin Media O2: Virgin Media O2 experienced a revenue decline of 4.5%, driven by continued headwinds in low-margin hardware and B2B fixed revenues, along with a comparison to a one-off $48 million item in Q3 2023.
Revenue Decline Analysis: 2. Sunrise Revenue Decline: Sunrise reported a revenue decline of 1.3%, primarily due to the annualization of last year's July price rise, despite some growth in mobile subscriptions and B2B revenue.
Declining Mobile Revenue: 3. Negative Mobile Service Revenue Growth: Virgin Media O2's mobile service revenue slipped from -0.4% in Q2 to -4.8% in Q3, indicating a significant deterioration in performance amid competitive pressures.
Televisa Univision Write-Down: 4. Write-Down on Televisa Univision: The company took a write-down of approximately $72 million on Televisa Univision based on its operating performance, reflecting challenges in that investment.
Adjusted EBITDA Decline: 5. Adjusted EBITDA Decline for Virgin Media O2: Virgin Media O2's adjusted EBITDA decreased by 4.1%, excluding nexfibre construction, largely due to the impact of a one-off revenue item in Q3 2023.
Liberty Global Ltd. (LBTYA) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript