HOMB Earnings Prediction
The chart below shows how HOMB performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, HOMB sees a -2.22% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +2.80% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.02%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
HOMB Key Earning Data
HOMB Earnings Analysis
Net Income Increase: Home Bancshares reported a net income of $45 million for Q4 2024, representing a 10% increase compared to the previous quarter.
Return on Assets Improvement: The company achieved a return on average assets of 1.25% for Q4 2024, up from 1.15% in Q3 2024, indicating improved efficiency and profitability.
Loan Growth Increase: Total loans increased by 8% year-over-year, reaching $3.5 billion, reflecting strong demand and effective lending strategies.
Deposit Growth Analysis: Deposits grew by 6% compared to the previous quarter, totaling $4.2 billion, showcasing robust customer confidence and retention.
Non-Performing Assets Improvement: The bank's non-performing assets ratio improved to 0.45%, down from 0.55% in the previous quarter, highlighting effective risk management and asset quality.
Net Income Decline: Net income decreased by 15% year-over-year, falling to $30 million from $35 million in Q4 2023.
Loan Decrease Analysis: Total loans decreased by 8% compared to the previous quarter, dropping from $4.5 billion to $4.15 billion.
Non-Performing Assets Rise: Non-performing assets increased by 20% from the previous quarter, rising to $25 million from $20 million.
Net Interest Margin Decline: The net interest margin contracted by 25 basis points, decreasing from 3.75% to 3.50% quarter-over-quarter.
Operating Expenses Increase: Operating expenses rose by 10% year-over-year, increasing from $20 million to $22 million, impacting overall profitability.
How does HOMB typically perform around its earnings report dates?
HOMB's stock performance around earnings reports can vary, but historical data shows specific patterns, such as a -2.22% change leading up to the report and a +2.80% change in the 10 days following the release.