The chart below shows how HMC performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, HMC sees a -0.63% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +2.63% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.46%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Q3 Operating Profit Highlights: Operating profit for Q3 FY 2025 reached 1,139.9 trillion yen, with a solid operating profit margin of 7%.
Global Motorcycle Sales Surge: Motorcycle sales volume remained strong globally, totaling 15.5 million units for the third quarter, with upward revisions for full-year forecasts due to strong demand in markets like India and Brazil.
Operating Profit Stability: Despite a decrease in automobile sales volume, the company maintained its full-year operating profit forecast at 1,420 trillion yen and profit for the year at 950 billion yen.
Share Repurchase Program Initiated: The company has initiated a share repurchase program worth 1.1 trillion yen, with 184.9 billion yen already acquired as of January 31, 2025, indicating confidence in its financial health.
Strong Free Cash Flow: Free cash flows from operations, excluding financial services, were strong at 693.7 billion yen for the first nine months of FY 2025, showcasing robust cash generation capabilities.
Automobile Sales Decline: Automobile unit sales decreased by 297,000 units year on year, primarily due to a drop in Asia, especially China.
Decline in Profit: Profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent company was 805.2 billion yen, down 64.3 billion yen compared to the previous year.
Equity Investment Loss: Equity method investment profit decreased by 94.5 billion yen, resulting in a loss of 27.2 billion yen.
Operating Profit Decline: Operating profit before income taxes was down by 38.9 billion yen, despite an increase in operating profit, due to a decline in unit sales in China.
Sales Volume Decline: In Japan, sales volume in the third quarter was lower than the same period last year due to fierce competition.
Profit Squeeze Analysis: Incremental labor and subcontractor costs squeezed profit by 54.3 billion yen, while R&D costs increased by 97.5 billion yen, negatively impacting profit.
Foreign Exchange Impact on Profit: Currency effects squeezed profit by 56.3 billion yen, indicating adverse foreign exchange impacts on earnings.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE:HMC) Q3 2025 Earnings Call Transcript