The chart below shows how GLW performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, GLW sees a -0.52% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +0.36% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.39%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Record Sales Growth: Sales grew 18% year over year to a record $3,900,000,000 in Q4 2024.
EPS Surge: EPS increased by 46% to $0.57, significantly outpacing sales growth.
Operating Margin Expansion: Operating margin expanded by 220 basis points to 18.5%, moving closer to the target of 20% by 2026.
Free Cash Flow Increase: Free cash flow for 2024 reached $1,250,000,000, up 42% from the previous year.
Optical Communications Sales Surge: Optical Communications segment sales grew 51% year over year in Q4, driven by a 93% increase in enterprise sales.
Environmental Technologies Sales Decline: Environmental Technologies segment sales decreased 7% year over year in Q4, driven by weaker light duty and heavy duty markets in Europe, with full year sales down 6%.
Specialty Materials Sales Decline: Specialty Materials segment sales declined 6% sequentially in Q4, indicating potential weakness in demand despite a year-over-year growth of 9%.
Display Technologies Net Income: Display Technologies segment net income was $262 million in Q4, which, while up 19% year over year, reflects a slower growth rate compared to other segments, indicating potential challenges ahead.
Environmental Technologies Decline: The Environmental Technologies segment's net income for Q4 was down 17% year over year, reflecting lower volume and continued weakness in global heavy duty markets, particularly in Europe.
Market Outlook Challenges: Overall, the company expects the global light duty market to remain flat and the heavy duty market to decline slightly in 2025, indicating a challenging outlook for the Environmental Technologies segment.
Earnings call transcript: Corning's Q4 2024 EPS beats forecast, stock rises