ADPT Stock Price Chart
ADPT Fundamental Analysis

ADPT Earnings Analysis
Revenue Surge in MRD: MRD revenue increased 52% year-over-year, driven by both clinical and pharma segments.
ClonoSEQ Revenue Growth: ClonoSEQ clinical revenue grew 39% versus prior year, with tests delivering a new record representing 30% growth year-over-year.
Operating Spend Decline: Operating spend had a significant decline of 11% versus prior year, contributing to improved margins.
Cash Reduction Analysis: Cash ended at approximately $267 million, representing a 38% reduction in the first nine months this year compared to the same period last year.
Third Quarter Revenue Growth: Total revenue in the third quarter was $46.4 million with 81% from MRD and 19% from Immune Medicine, representing 22% growth from the same period last year.
Operating Spend Decline: Operating spend had another significant decline of 11% versus prior year and 5% sequentially excluding q time costs.
Cash Burden Reduction: Cash ended at approximately $267 million, which represents a burden reduction of 38% in the first nine months this year compared to the same period a year ago.
Third Quarter Revenue Growth: Total revenue in the third quarter was $46.4 million with 81% from MRD and 19% from Immune Medicine, representing 22% growth from the same period last year.
Adjusted EBITDA Loss Comparison: Total company adjusted EBITDA was a loss of $14.3 million in the third quarter compared to $21.4 million in the third quarter of 2024 and $29.8 million a year ago.
Quarterly Net Loss: Net loss for the quarter was $32.1 million.

What is surpport and resistant level for ADPT Stock?
The S1 support level for ADPT Stock is $6.65 ,The R1 resistant level for ADPT Stock is $8.7.