The chart below shows how ACT performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, ACT sees a -1.38% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +2.92% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.38%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
EBITDA Growth Achievement: Outstanding sales and EBITDA growth with a 29% increase in EBITDA, reaching $105 million, exceeding the $100 million target.
Special Products Performance: Special Products segment accounts for 63% of sales and nearly 90% of total earnings contribution, indicating strong market demand.
Record Profit and Dividend Increase: Profit after tax reached a record $54 million, leading to a proposed dividend increase of 50% to $1.8 per share.
Sustainability Excellence Recognition: Received a platinum rating from EcoVadis, placing the company in the top 1% of rated companies, showcasing commitment to sustainability.
Major Investment Project Approved: Largest investment project approved at approximately SEK 140 million, with construction activities already underway.
Liquidity and Market Performance: Increased liquidity with a free float of almost 62%, leading to inclusion in the SDAX index, reflecting strong market performance.
Specialty Chemicals Sales Growth: Sales in Specialty Chemicals segment grew by 9% to nearly $350 million, driven by volume increases and successful product launches.
Specialty Chemicals Profitability Improvement: EBITDA margin increased to 27% in the Specialty Chemicals segment, up from 23% the previous year, indicating improved profitability.
Cash Flow Improvement: Operating cash flow increased by 45% to $105 million, demonstrating strong cash management and operational efficiency.
Sales and EBITDA Growth: Positive outlook for 2025 with expected sales growth to approximately $580 million and EBITDA growth to $113 million, driven by volume increases in Specialty Chemicals.
Sales Decline in Segments: Sales in the Basic and Intermediate segment decreased by 9% compared to the previous year, indicating a decline in this area.
Sales Decline in Custom Manufacturing: The Custom Manufacturing business experienced a reduction in sales due to lower demand and cautious customers, which is linked to the overall economic situation in the European chemical industry.
Competitive Market Challenges: The company is facing significant competition from Asian suppliers, which has led to a deliberate loss of quantities in some product areas to maintain profitability.
Specialty Chemicals Performance Decline: The Specialty Chemicals segment saw a slight decline in volume and price in Q4 2024, attributed to competitive pressures and pricing strategies.
Electricity Price Impact on Margins: Electricity prices have increased significantly, which may impact margins in the upcoming quarters despite hedging strategies in place.
Sales Decline Anticipation: The company anticipates a slight decline in sales in the Basic and Intermediate segment for 2025, indicating ongoing challenges in this area.
Trust Business Transition Challenges: The transition plan for the new trust business has not recovered as quickly as expected, suggesting difficulties in this segment.
Customer Payment Challenges: The company is experiencing challenges in convincing customers to pay for regional supply chains and adherence to ESG criteria, which may affect pricing strategies.
Earnings call transcript: Alchimp Group AG Q4 2024 shows mixed results