The chart below shows how TATT performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, TATT sees a -10.05% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +1.28% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.86%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Revenue Surge 35%: Revenue increased by 35% to $40.5 million compared to $29.9 million in the same period last year.
Net Income Increase: Net income increased by 33% from $2.2 million to $2.9 million in this quarter.
EBITDA Margin Increase: Adjusted EBITDA margin rose by 70% from 10.1% to 12.6% in Q3 of '24.
Operating Margin Improvement: Operating margin improved significantly from 5.9% to 8.5% compared to the previous period.
Cash Flow Improvement: The company reported a $6.5 million positive swing in cash flow from operations compared to the same period last year.
Significant Revenue Growth: Revenue increased by 35% to $40.5 million compared to $29.9 million in the same period last year, indicating a significant growth but also highlighting the challenges in maintaining consistent growth rates.
Gross Margin Decline: Gross margin decreased from 21.9% in Q2 of '24 to 21.1% in Q3 of '24, suggesting potential issues in cost management or pricing strategies.
Backlog Growth and Challenges: The backlog continues to grow, indicating demand but also potential challenges in fulfilling orders and managing supply chain issues effectively.
Operating Margin Improvement: Operating margin showed improvement but remains a concern as it only increased from 5.9% to 8.5%, indicating that operational efficiencies are still being sought after.
Supply Chain Challenges: The company faces ongoing supply chain disruptions, which are impacting its ability to meet customer demand and could hinder future growth.
TAT Technologies Ltd. (TATT) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript