Power Integrations, Inc. designs, develops and markets analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs) and other electronic components and circuitry used in high-voltage power conversion. The Company's products are used in power converters that convert electricity from a high-voltage source to the type of power required for a specified downstream use. The Company's ICs used in alternating current (AC)-direct current (DC) power supply convert high-voltage AC from a wall outlet to the low-voltage DC required by electronic devices. The Company offers a range of products, such as TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch and Hiper families. It also offers CapZero and SenZero families. The Company offers a range of high-voltage gate-driver products sold under the SCALE and SCALE-II product-family names. The BridgeSwitch family of products is a family of motor-driver ICs addressing brushless DC (BLDC) motor applications up to approximately 400 watts.