The chart below shows how PCH performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, PCH sees a -0.35% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +0.23% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.24%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
EBITDA Performance Highlights: Total adjusted EBITDA for 2024 reached $232 million, driven by strong performance in the real estate business and stable timberland operations.
Timberlands Division Performance: The Timberlands division generated adjusted EBITDA of $139 million for 2024, with a total harvest of 7.6 million tons, aligning with the annual plan.
Wood Products EBITDA Improvement: In the Wood Products segment, adjusted EBITDA improved to $9 million in Q4 2024, a positive shift from a loss of $8 million earlier in the year, attributed to higher lumber prices.
Record Lumber Shipment: A record shipment of over 1.1 billion board feet of lumber was achieved in 2024, despite operational downtime for sawmill modernization.
Real Estate EBITDA Contribution: The Real Estate segment contributed $147 million in adjusted EBITDA for 2024, with significant sales including 57,000 acres at an average of $2,300 per acre.
Wood Products Segment Loss: Adjusted EBITDA for the Wood Products segment reported a loss of $8,000,000 for 2024, indicating significant challenges in the lumber pricing environment throughout the year.
Real Estate EBITDA Decline: The Real Estate segment's adjusted EBITDA decreased to $19,000,000 in Q4 from $32,000,000 in Q3, reflecting a decline in performance and sales volume of residential lots.
Adjusted EBITDA Performance Analysis: Total adjusted EBITDA for 2024 was $232,000,000, which, despite being a strong figure, was heavily impacted by the weak performance of the Wood Products segment, highlighting underlying operational weaknesses.
Projected Harvest Decline: Harvest volume for 2025 is projected to decline to approximately 7,400,000 tons, down from 7,600,000 tons in 2024, indicating a reduction in operational capacity and potential revenue.
Lumber Market Challenges: The company faced downward pressure on lumber markets due to cautious buyer sentiment and ample lumber supply, which negatively affected overall financial performance throughout the year.
Earnings call transcript: PotlatchDeltic beats Q4 2024 earnings expectations