enVVeno Medical Corporation is a late-stage clinical med-tech company. The Company is focused on the advancement of bioprosthetic (tissue-based) solutions to improve the standard of care for the treatment of venous disease. The Company is developing surgical and non-surgical replacement venous valves for patients suffering from severe Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) of the deep venous system of the leg. The Company's lead product, VenoValve, which is a porcine based replacement venous valve developed to surgically implanted in the deep venous system of the leg to treat severe CVI. The VenoValve is implanted into the femoral vein of the patient in an open surgical procedure via a five-to-six-inch incision in the upper thigh. The VenoValve is being evaluated in the surgical anti-reflux venous valve endoprosthesis (SAVVE) United States clinical trial. It is also developing a second product called enVVe, which is a non-surgical, transcatheter based replacement venous valve.