CytoSorbents Corporation is engaged in the treatment of life-threatening conditions in intensive care (ICU) and cardiac surgery using blood purification via its proprietary polymer adsorption technology. The Company’s flagship product, CytoSorb, is an extracorporeal cytokine absorber, designed to reduce the cytokine storm or cytokine release syndrome that could otherwise cause massive inflammation, organ failure and death in common critical illnesses, such as sepsis, burn injury, trauma, lung injury, cytokine release syndrome due to cancer immunotherapy, and pancreatitis. Its other products include CytoSorb, animal-targeted VetResQ, DrugSorb-ATR and ECOS-300CY. Its other product candidates under development, including CytoSorb XL, BetaSorb, ContrastSorb, DrugSorb, HemoDefend-RBC, HemoDefend-BGA, K+ontrol, and others consist of a cartridge containing adsorbent, porous polymer beads, although the polymers used in these devices are physically different.