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KZIA Stock Price Prediction

Kazia Therapeutics Ltd

KZIA Similar Chart Price Prediction

The price of KZIA is predicted to go up 6.67%, based on the high correlation periods with PHI. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 97.23%.

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Up: 6.67%

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Up: 6.67%Similarity: 97.23%

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Kazia Therapeutics Ltd
SPDR S&P 500

KZIA Analyst's Forecast

Jason McCarthy

Maxim Group

Strong Buy


Price Target




Maxim initiated coverage of Kazia Therapeutics with a Buy rating and $3 price target. The company's lead asset is paxalisib, a potent, oral, brain-penetrant small molecule inhibitor of PI3K and mTOR being developed as an adjuvant therapy to treat newly diagnosed unmethylated glioblastoma - GBM - multiforme, the analyst tells investors in a research note. Paxalisib has shown numerical overall survival benefits in two studies involving unmethylated GBM patients, and while the drug did not progress to the second stage after being evaluated in the Glioblastoma Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment platform trial, it demonstrated consistent overall survival benefits with a prior Phase 2 study, Maxim notes, adding that Kazia is on pace to initiate a Phase 3 trial for paxalisib in the second half of this year.