The chart below shows how HBNC performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, HBNC sees a -3.14% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -1.91% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.31%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Quarterly Loan Growth: Average loan growth for the quarter was solid at 10% annualized, reflecting the organization's strategy to grow its core commercial portfolio.
Commercial Loan Growth: Commercial loans increased by $9.5 million, representing 1.3% growth on an annualized basis, showcasing stability in the core commercial pipeline.
Net Interest Margin Expansion: Net interest margin expanded for the fourth consecutive quarter, up 2 basis points to 2.66%, with expectations for further expansion in Q4.
Non-Interest Income Surge: Non-interest income reached $11.5 million, exceeding guidance and driven by strong performance in the mortgage and treasury management businesses.
Credit Loss Allowance Increase: The allowance for credit losses increased modestly to $52.9 million, maintaining a healthy allowance to loan ratio of 1.10%, indicating strong credit quality.
Rising Credit Risk: Substandard loans increased by $8,600,000 during the quarter, reaching a total of $59,800,000, which represents 1.24% of total loans, indicating a concerning rise in credit risk.
Non-Performing Loans Increase: Non-performing loans rose to $24,400,000, accounting for 51 basis points of total loans, primarily due to two larger home equity loans and a single credit in the commercial portfolio, reflecting potential asset quality deterioration.
Consumer Loan Balance Decline: Consumer loan balances decreased by $43,000,000 during the quarter, highlighting a significant reduction in this segment as part of the planned runoff of indirect auto loans, which may impact overall revenue.
Quarterly Expense Increase: Total expenses for the quarter exceeded prior expectations, with reported results anticipated to approximate $42,000,000 in Q4, indicating a potential increase in operational costs that could affect profitability.
Credit Loss Allowance Increase: The allowance for credit losses increased by approximately $700,000 to $52,900,000, resulting in an allowance to loan ratio of 1.10%, suggesting a cautious approach to potential future credit losses amid changing economic conditions.
Earnings call transcript: Horizon Bancorp Q3 2024 reports EPS miss, stock dips