The chart below shows how ECO performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, ECO sees a -0.39% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -2.79% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.87%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Fleet Performance Metrics: 1. Strong Fleet Performance: Achieved a fleet-wide time-charted equivalent of approximately $44,000 per vessel per day, with VLCCs at $43,000 and Suezmaxes at $45,000.
Strong Q3 Financial Performance: 2. Robust Financial Results: Reported adjusted EBITDA of $37.9 million and adjusted net profit of $14.5 million for Q3 2024, with an adjusted EPS of $0.45.
Capital Distribution Consistency: 3. Consistent Capital Distribution: Declared the 10th consecutive capital distribution of $0.45 per share, representing a full payout of the EPS for the quarter.
Cash Reserves and Working Capital: 4. Significant Cash Reserves: Ended the quarter with $56 million in cash and a working capital increase, with trade receivables standing at $44 million.
Cost Savings from Drydocking: 5. Cost-Effective Drydocking: Completed drydocks for five vessels at approximately 10% below budget, projecting a 10% consumption benefit over five years, equating to an annual saving of $1 million.
Weak Refining Margins: 1. Weak Market Conditions: Q3 2024 was characterized by weak refining margins and poor Chinese demand, leading to an overall underwhelming quarter despite some operational optimizations.
Cash Liquidity Concerns: 2. Declining Cash Position: The company ended the quarter with only $56 million in cash, raising concerns about liquidity given the $658 million in balance sheet debt.
Q4 Guidance Underperformance: 3. Underperformance in Q4 Guidance: Q4 has materially underperformed expectations due to factors like low U.S. exports and weak demand, impacting the overall trade market negatively.
Debt Impact on Flexibility: 4. High Debt Levels: The company's balance sheet debt stood at $658 million, resulting in a book leverage of 59%, which may limit financial flexibility in challenging market conditions.
Fleet Age Challenges: 5. Aging Fleet Concerns: With nearly 35% of the fleet over 15 years old, the company faces potential pressure as these vessels near retirement, impacting future operational capacity.
Okeanis Eco Tankers Corp. (ECO) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript