The chart below shows how APG performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, APG sees a -2.28% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +0.91% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.91%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Revenue Increase Driven by Growth: Record net revenues of $7 billion in 2024, a 1.3% increase driven by acquisitions and strong organic growth in inspection, service, and monitoring revenues.
EBITDA Margin Expansion: Adjusted EBITDA margins expanded by 140 basis points to 12.7%, with expectations to surpass 13% in 2025.
Record Free Cash Flow: Achieved record adjusted free cash flow of $668 million, representing a 75% conversion of adjusted EBITDA, allowing for debt repayment and reduced net leverage to 2.2 times.
Inspection Revenue Growth: Double-digit growth in inspection revenues in the U.S. life safety business for the year, marking the 18th consecutive quarter of growth in this area.
Revenue Mix Improvement: Increased the mix of inspection, service, and monitoring revenues from 52% in 2023 to 54% in 2024, moving towards a long-term target of 60%.
Internal Controls Remediation Success: Successfully remediated all prior year material weaknesses in internal controls over financial reporting, concluding that controls were effective as of December 31, 2024.
2025 Revenue Projections: Anticipated full-year 2025 net revenues of $7.3 billion to $7.5 billion, indicating a return to traditional rates of organic growth driven by high single-digit growth in inspection service and monitoring revenues.
Margin Expansion Plans: Plans for continued margin expansion in 2025, with adjusted EBITDA expected to grow by approximately 10% to 15% on a fixed currency basis.
Revenue Growth Slowdown: Net revenues grew by only 1.3% in 2024, indicating a slowdown in growth compared to previous years.
Specialty Services Revenue Decline: Specialty services reported an 11.8% decline in revenues for Q4 2024, driven by divestitures and project delays.
Specialty Services Decline: There was a 7.6% organic decline in specialty services, highlighting challenges in that segment.
Specialty Services Margin Decline: Adjusted gross margin for specialty services decreased by 80 basis points, primarily due to lower fixed cost absorption and stranded costs from delays.
Specialty Services Earnings Decline: Segment earnings for specialty services decreased by 22% for the quarter, indicating significant operational challenges.
Project Delays Impact Performance: The company faced higher-than-expected delays in certain customer projects, particularly in HVAC and specialty businesses, impacting overall performance.
Cash Flow vs. Interest Expenses: Despite record free cash flow, the company still reported increased interest expenses, which could affect future profitability.
Revenue Decline Forecast: The first quarter of 2025 is expected to see a low single-digit organic net revenue decline at the midpoint, suggesting ongoing challenges in revenue generation.
APi Group Corporation (APG) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript