Amplify Energy Corp. is an independent oil and natural gas company engaged in the acquisition, development, exploitation and production of oil and natural gas properties. The Company’s assets consist primarily of producing oil and natural gas properties located in Oklahoma, the Rockies (Bairoil), federal waters offshore Southern California (Beta), East Texas/North Louisiana, and Eagle Ford (Non-op). The Company’s properties consist primarily of operated and non-operated working interests in producing and undeveloped leasehold acreage and working interests in identified producing wells. The Company’s estimated proved reserves were approximately 124.0 One million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBoe). The Company's subsidiaries include Amplify Energy Holdings LLC, Amplify Acquisitionco LLC, Amplify Energy Services LLC, Amplify Energy Operating LLC, Amplify Energy Holdco LLC, Amplify Oklahoma Operating LLC, Beta Operating Company, LLC and San Pedro Bay Pipeline Company.