STP is opening the portal to Autonomous Worlds. Its mission is to pioneer the advancement of AI in gaming. Clique, its L3 on Base unlocks significant scalability and performance for the intense load of AI enhanced onchain gaming.
What is surpport and resistant level for STPT Crypto?
The S1 support level for STPT Crypto is $0.0502
,The R1 resistant level for STPT Crypto is $0.0801.
What is the current price of STPT Crypto?
The price of STPT Crypto was $0.0765.
What is the market cap of STPT?
The market cap of STPT is $148.5M.
Key Stats
24H High
24H Low
24H Volume
24H Volatility
All Time High
All Time Low
Correlation with BTC
Return On Investment
What is STP?
STP is opening the portal to Autonomous Worlds. Its mission is to pioneer the advancement of AI in gaming. Clique, its L3 on Base unlocks significant scalability and performance for the intense load of AI enhanced onchain gaming.