The price of TRSG is predicted to go up -13.47%, based on the high correlation periods with OLMA. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 92.13%.
Down: -13.47%Similarity: 92.13%
TRSG Revenue Forecast
TRSG EPS Forecast
What is bull’s view on TRSG?
TRSG stock is currently trading at $2.59, reflecting an 11.9% decline in pre-market trading due to ongoing concerns about financial misstatements and restatements for 2021-2023. Despite a "Strong Buy" consensus rating, the stock has faced a year-to-date decline of 63.36%, driven by weak financial performance and rising costs. The bull's view hinges on potential recovery from strategic measures like cost-cutting and exploring high-growth markets such as 3D metal printing.
What is bear's view on TRSG?
TRSG stock is currently bearish, trading at $2.59 after an 11.9% pre-market decline. The drop is driven by financial restatements for 2021-2023 due to misstatements, undermining investor confidence. Additionally, the stock has a year-to-date decline of 63.36%, reflecting weak fundamentals and ongoing legal risks.