The chart below shows how SOPH performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, SOPH sees a +6.81% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +2.18% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -1.55%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Foundational Year for Growth: 2024 was a foundational year for SOPHiA, laying groundwork for accelerated growth in 2025 and 2026 by signing an impressive cohort of new customers.
Revenue and Margin Performance: In 2024, SOPHiA delivered $65.2 million of revenue, falling within guidance range, and exceeded expectations on cost management with adjusted gross margin reaching 72.8%.
Patient Analysis Milestone: SOPHiA analyzed a record 352,000 patients on SOPHiA DDM in 2024, averaging almost 30,000 patients per month, showcasing the platform's widespread use.
Customer Acquisition Milestone: The company signed a record 92 new core genomic customers in 2024, including 31 in Q4, and implemented a record 35 new customers in Q4 alone.
Clinical Revenue Growth: Clinical revenue grew 23% in the U.S. in 2024, with analysis volume growing 26%, indicating strong market momentum.
Strategic Partnership Expansion: SOPHiA signed Mount Sinai, a leading hospital, for HemOnc and SolidTumors applications, further expanding its U.S. presence.
Liquid Biopsy Adoption Expansion: The launch of MSK-ACCESS has enabled hospitals to conduct Liquid Biopsy testing, with 34 customers across 20 countries adopting the application.
U.S. Business Pipeline Growth: SOPHiA's new business pipeline in the U.S. is up more than 100%, indicating strong future growth potential.
Revenue Forecast for 2025: The company expects to report full year revenue between $72 million and $76 million for 2025, representing 10% to 17% growth on a reported basis.
BioPharma Budget Constraints: BioPharma budgets tightened across the industry, materially impacting SOPHiA's BioPharma business.
Revenue Performance Analysis: Total revenue for 2024 was $65.2 million, representing only 4% year-over-year growth, which is below long-term expectations.
BioPharma Revenue Decline: The company experienced a decline in BioPharma-related revenue by approximately $4 million in 2024.
Customer Acquisition Impact: Latin America saw a notable decline in performance due to the acquisition of a top customer by another lab, although they have since rewon the business.
Hereditary Cancer Growth Moderation: Hereditary Cancers applications experienced a slight moderation in growth as labs shifted to Exome applications.
Cash Burn Increase: Total cash burn for Q4 2024 was $15.6 million, an increase from $9.5 million in the prior year quarter, largely due to exchange rate impacts.
Customer Revenue Retention Decline: The dollar retention rate decreased to 104% in 2024, indicating a slight decline in customer revenue retention.
Exchange Rate Impact Forecast: The company anticipates a moderate negative impact from exchange rates on reported results in 2025.
SOPHiA GENETICS SA (NASDAQ:SOPH) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript