The chart below shows how RGA performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, RGA sees a -0.86% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +0.97% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -1.23%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Record Operating EPS Growth: Adjusted operating earnings of $4.99 per share were reported, with a record operating EPS of $22.57 for the full year, reflecting a 14% increase from 2023.
Transaction Investment Increase: The company deployed nearly $1.7 billion into transactions for the full year, marking an 80% increase from 2023, with $250 million deployed in the fourth quarter alone.
Record New Business Value: New business value added reached an all-time high for the year, with a record increase of 70% from 2023, driven by successful creation redeals.
In-Force Business Margin Increase: The value of in-force business margins increased by $4.6 billion or around 14% for the year, primarily due to new business contributions of $4.8 billion.
Book Value Growth: Book value per share increased to $151.97, representing a compounded annual growth rate of 9.9% since the beginning of 2021.
Premium Growth Analysis: Reported premiums were up only 1.2% for the quarter relative to Q4 2023, indicating a slowdown in growth despite adjustments showing an 11% increase when excluding US PRT transactions.
Unfavorable Biometric Claims Experience: Biometric claims experience was unfavorable by $52 million on an underlying claims experience basis, leading to a corresponding financial impact of $58 million, reflecting volatility in claims.
Adjusted Operating Loss: The corporate and other segments reported an adjusted operating loss before tax of $71 million, which was unfavorable compared to the expected quarterly average run rate due to higher general expenses.
Annuity Business Challenges: The US Financial Solutions results were below expectations, primarily due to the combined runoff of existing annuity business, indicating challenges in this segment's performance.
EMEA Claims Experience Challenges: In EMEA, traditional results reflected modestly unfavorable claims experience, with the financial statement impact showing negative experience in floored cohorts, suggesting ongoing issues in this region.
Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (NYSE:RGA) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript