The chart below shows how ONTF performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, ONTF sees a +3.65% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a -4.76% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.53%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Revenue from core platform including services was $35.6 million, exceeding guidance.
Total revenue for Q3 was $36.3 million, which includes Virtual Conference revenue.
Achieved positive adjusted EBITDA and non-GAAP EPS for the sixth consecutive quarter.
Free cash flow was positive $2.1 million year-to-date, an improvement of $14.5 million from the previous year.
Gross margin improved by approximately 200 basis points year-to-date in 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.
Revenue from core platform decreased by 7% year-over-year, totaling $35.6 million in Q3 2024.
Total professional services revenue decreased by 12% year-over-year, amounting to $2.5 million in Q3 2024.
Core platform ARR decreased by approximately $1.37 million from Q2 2024, ending at $129.7 million in Q3 2024.
Total revenue for Q3 2024 was $36.3 million, which is lower than expected due to ongoing pressure on marketing budgets.
Non-GAAP operating loss of $0.8 million in Q3 2024, indicating a negative operating margin of 2%.
ON24, Inc (ONTF) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript