MTX Earnings Prediction
The chart below shows how MTX performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, MTX sees a -2.95% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +0.37% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +0.72%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
MTX Key Earning Data
MTX Earnings Analysis
Quarterly Operating Income Record: Record operating income achieved for the fourth consecutive quarter, totaling $316 million for the full year, reflecting a 13% increase year-over-year.
EBITDA Performance Improvement: Full-year EBITDA reached over $400 million, representing 19.2% of sales, an increase of 210 basis points compared to the previous year.
Record Earnings per Share: Earnings per share for the full year were a record $6.15, marking an 18% increase over the prior year, with a compound growth rate of 8% over the last five years.
Operating Margin Improvement: Operating margin improved to 15% for the year, surpassing the target set for 2025, driven by disciplined pricing and cost management.
Shareholder Returns Enhancement: Shareholder returns increased with a completed $75 million share buyback program and a 10% increase in dividends, alongside the authorization of a new $200 million share repurchase program.
Fourth-Quarter Sales Decline: Fourth-quarter sales were $518 million, slightly below the prior year driven by specialty additives, indicating a decline in demand in this segment.
Engineered Solutions Sales Decline: Sales in the Engineered Solutions segment saw further softening in the fourth quarter, particularly in the steel and foundry markets, which negatively impacted overall sales performance.
Steel Utilization Decline: Steel utilization rates in the US dropped to as low as 72% in the fourth quarter, down from 80% in the third quarter, reflecting a significant decline in market activity.
Sales Decline in Construction: Full-year sales for environmental and infrastructure were 8% lower, indicating persistent weakness in commercial construction and environmental lining applications throughout the year.
Sales Forecast and Challenges: First-quarter sales are expected to be around $500 million, with a projected 5% decrease in Engineered Solutions sales due to a slow start and cautious customer inventory management.
How does MTX typically perform around its earnings report dates?
MTX's stock performance around earnings reports can vary, but historical data shows specific patterns, such as a -2.95% change leading up to the report and a +0.37% change in the 10 days following the release.
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MTX Earning Call Sentiment
Minerals Technologies Inc. (NYSE:MTX) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript
