The chart below shows how MMLP performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, MMLP sees a -6.77% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +0.70% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by +1.54%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Adjusted EBITDA Performance: The adjusted EBITDA for the third quarter was $25.1 million, only $1.3 million short of guidance of $26.4 million, indicating strong operational performance.
Transportation Segment Performance: The Transportation segment generated an adjusted EBITDA of $11.6 million compared to guidance of $10.8 million, reflecting a solid increase in cash flow generation.
Sulfur Services Performance: The Sulfur Services segment achieved an adjusted EBITDA of $4.2 million, exceeding guidance of $3.7 million, driven by strong demand for sulfur products.
Long-Term Debt Overview: The company reported a total long-term debt outstanding of $486.5 million, with $86.5 million drawn under its revolving credit facility, indicating strong liquidity management.
Stable Cash Flow Outlook: The company anticipates stable cash flow generation in the fourth quarter, supported by tightness in the inland market, which is expected to continue.
EBITDA Guidance Shortfall: For the third quarter, we fell short of guidance by $1.3 million as we had an adjusted EBITDA of $25.1 million, compared to third quarter guidance of $26.4 million.
Expense Increase Impact: The primary contributor to our guidance shortfall was an increase in expense related to our long-term incentive plans, which are tied to the fair market value of our common units. As a result, we recognized an additional $1.4 million in expense when compared to guidance.
EBITDA Guidance Miss: Our adjusted EBITDA for the Terminaling and Storage segment was $8.4 million, compared to guidance of $9 million, missing guidance by $0.6 million.
Specialty Products EBITDA Miss: The Specialty Products segment had an adjusted EBITDA of $4.6 million, compared to guidance of $6.5 million, resulting in a miss of $1.9 million.
Long-Term Debt Overview: Our total long-term debt outstanding was $486.5 million, of which $86.5 million was drawn under our revolving credit facility and the remaining $400 million consists of our second lien 11.5% notes due February 2028.
Martin Midstream Partners L.P. Common Units (MMLP) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript