Methanex Corporation is a producer and supplier of methanol to international markets in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and South America. The Company’s operations consist of the production and sale of methanol, a commodity chemical. It operates production sites in Canada, Chile, Egypt, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States. It has three plants in New Zealand, Motunui 1, Motunui 2 and Waitara Valley. Its Trinidad production site supplies methanol to all methanol markets. Its Chile production site supplies methanol to customers in South America and Asia Pacific, having two plants in Chile, Chile I and Chile IV. Its Egypt plant is located on the Mediterranean Sea and primarily supply methanol to the domestic and European market. Its plant in Medicine Hat, Alberta, supplies methanol to customers in North America. It also has interest in two methanol facilities in Beaumont, Texas, one of which also produces ammonia and methanol facility in Delfzijl, Netherlands.