The chart below shows how JJSF performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, JJSF sees a +2.37% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +5.34% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -1.38%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Top Line Growth Analysis: Solid top line growth of 4.1% to $362.6 million, driven by volume increases and pricing.
Foodservice Revenue Increase: Foodservice revenue increased by 4.5%, led by a 4.8% increase in soft pretzels due to a rebound in convenience store sales.
Frozen Novelties Sales Growth: Frozen novelties saw an impressive 9.8% sales growth, with Zippin' Dots achieving 8.4% growth driven by theater and new vending channels.
Frozen Beverage Success: The frozen beverage business achieved record first-quarter results, with a 10% volume increase attributed to a 45% growth in theater channels compared to the prior year.
Stock Repurchase Authorization: A new $50 million stock repurchase authorization was approved by the Board, reflecting confidence in long-term value and financial flexibility.
Gross Margin Decline: Gross margin declined to 25.9% from 27.2% compared to the prior year, reflecting a significant impact from input cost inflation that was not fully offset by price increases.
Operating Income Decline: Operating income for the quarter decreased to $6,200,000 from $9,700,000, indicating a decline in profitability amid rising costs and unfavorable sales mix.
Earnings Decline Analysis: Net earnings fell to $5,100,000 compared to $7,300,000 in the Q1 of fiscal 2024, resulting in earnings per diluted share dropping to $0.26 from $0.37 in the prior year period.
EBITDA Decline and Cost Pressures: Adjusted EBITDA declined to $25,300,000 from $30,200,000 in the Q1 last year, highlighting ongoing challenges in maintaining earnings amid cost pressures.
Churro Sales Decline: Churro sales declined 9.2%, reflecting the loss of limited-time offer volumes from the previous year, contributing to an unfavorable sales mix and impacting overall revenue.
Earnings call transcript: J&J Snack Foods Q1 2024 misses EPS forecast, stock drops