The price of INZY is predicted to go up -0.4%, based on the high correlation periods with BLMN. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 98.18%.
Piper Sandler lowered the firm's price target on Inozyme to $30 from $43 and keeps an Overweight rating on the shares following a positive interim update from the Phase 1b ENERGY 1 study of INZ-701 in ENPP1-deficient infants showing reduced mortality and prevention of cardiovascular complications and rickets, two drivers of morbidity and mortality in this severe disease. The firm also gained clarity on pivotal trial planning in ABCC6, where the company is planning to run the ASPIRE trial starting in early 2026 with a 2-year, event-driven composite endpoint. Although this pushes timelines back, Piper views this clarity as removing a key overhang for the company.