The price of GRFX is predicted to go up -4.33%, based on the high correlation periods with QIPT. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 97.1%.
Down: -4.33%Similarity: 97.1%
GRFX Revenue Forecast
GRFX EPS Forecast
What is bull’s view on GRFX?
GRFX stock is currently trading at $0.3593, showing a recent upward trend with a 19.8% gain in pre-market trading. Bulls may view this positively due to its potential in the graphene market, but concerns remain about the uncertain timeline for U.S. operations and possible share dilution. The stock's near-term outlook depends on clarity regarding its business expansion and capital strategy.
What is bear's view on GRFX?
GRFX stock is bearish due to weak fundamentals and technicals. The price is trading near $0.30, below its pivot of $0.28, with RSI at 44.38 indicating weak momentum. Additionally, Maxim Group downgraded it to Hold, citing uncertain U.S. operations and potential dilution risks.
Maxim downgraded Graphex Group to Hold from Buy. The firm is citing an uncertain timeline to start to sell graphene products in the U.S., as the company's most recent operations update on November 11th mentioned expanding graphite processing capacity in China, but did not provide an update on U.S. business initiatives, the analyst tells investors in a research note. Maxim adds that while it sees Graphex generate EBITDA, the firm also anticipates a higher amount of share dilution from a capital raise amid weakness in the stock price.