The chart below shows how ETD performed 10 days before and after its earnings report, based on data from the past quarters. Typically, ETD sees a +1.77% change in stock price 10 days leading up to the earnings, and a +3.18% change 10 days following the report. On the earnings day itself, the stock moves by -0.73%. This data can give you a slight idea of what to expect for the next quarter's release.
Sales and Profit Metrics: We had sales of $154.3 million, continued the strong gross margin of 60.8%, operating income of $17.6 million with a margin of 11.4%.
Strong Cash Generation: We also continued strong cash generation and ended the quarter with $186.4 million in cash and investments.
Quarterly Cash Dividends: We paid $20.2 million in cash dividends during the quarter, and the Board approved a regular cash dividend of $0.39 per share, payable November 27, 2024.
Operating Margin Analysis: Our adjusted operating margin was 11.5%, compared with 12.1% a year ago, reflecting our ability to maintain a disciplined approach to controlling operating expenses.
Strong Financial Position: We ended the quarter with a robust balance sheet, including cash and investments of $186.4 million and no outstanding debt.
Net Sales Decline: Our consolidated net sales were $154.3 million, down 5.8% compared with last year, primarily due to lower contract sales and a decline in delivered unit volume.
Retail and Wholesale Orders Decline: From a demand perspective, our retail segment orders were down 6.8%, while wholesale segment orders decreased 4.8%.
Wholesale Backlog Analysis: We ended the quarter with wholesale backlog of $63.9 million, down 15.2% from a year ago, but up $10.4 million since June 30th due to the timing of incoming contract orders.
Operating Margin Comparison: Adjusted operating margin was 11.5%, compared with 12.1% a year ago.
Distribution Center Losses: The distribution center suffered a loss of $0.3 million related to damaged inventory and remediation costs, as well as a temporary work stoppage and disruption in shipments.
Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (ETD) Q1 2025 Earnings Conference Call Transcript