The price of VICR is predicted to go up -3.77%, based on the high correlation periods with VOXX. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 95.8%.
Down: -3.77%Similarity: 95.8%
VICR Revenue Forecast
VICR EPS Forecast
What is revenue forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's revenue in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $90.067M USD.
Craig-Hallum analyst Richard Shannon raised the firm's price target on Vicor to $43 from $35 and keeps a Hold rating on the shares. The firm notes Vicor's Q3 results that drove the stock up 15% in the aftermarket on Tuesday do not seem supportable in the near term, as it finds them to be somewhat lower quality than the headline appears. As such, Craig-Hallum sees the stock fading in the near term and would not be a buyer on this reaction.