The price of ATGE is predicted to go up -3.71%, based on the high correlation periods with TLK. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 97.28%.
Down: -3.71%Similarity: 97.28%
ATGE Revenue Forecast
ATGE EPS Forecast
What is revenue forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's revenue in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $441.011M USD.
What is eps forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's eps in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $1.697 USD.
BMO Capital raised the firm's price target on Adtalem Global Education to $90 from $84 and keeps an Outperform rating on the shares. The company's Q1 results beat expectations as enrollment growth accelerated once again across all three segments, with Chamberlain and Walden much better than anticipated, the analyst tells investors in a research note.