To predict the stock price of WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings (WSC) for the next trading week, we analyze both technical indicators and recent news sentiment.
WSC's stock price is currently at $29.04, showing a 3.46% increase during regular market hours today. The stock is trading near its Fibonacci support level of $28.59, with resistance at $34.74. The RSI_6 is at 9.56, indicating an oversold condition, which may trigger a short-term rebound.
Recent insider activity shows negative sentiment, with 52 insiders selling shares, including a significant sale by the CIO. However, analysts maintain a Strong Buy consensus with a price target of $43.50, though Barclays has a Hold rating with a $40 target.
High options trading volume, particularly for the $27.50 strike put option, indicates bearish sentiment. The Put/Call Ratio of 1.92 reflects this bearishness ahead of earnings on May 1st.
Given the oversold condition and potential short-term rebound, the stock may rise to $31. However, considering bearish indicators and insider selling, the overall trend remains bearish.
Prediction: $31.00
Recommendation: Sell
The price of WSC is predicted to go up -1.65%, based on the high correlation periods with FND. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 97.82%.
Morgan Stanley
Price Target
$40 → $50
Price Target
$44 → $40
Deutsche Bank
Price Target
$46 → $35