The price of TTMI is predicted to go up 4.46%, based on the high correlation periods with RDCM. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 91.01%.
Up: 4.46%Similarity: 91.01%
TTMI Revenue Forecast
TTMI EPS Forecast
What is revenue forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's revenue in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $603.546M USD.
What is eps forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's eps in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $0.373 USD.
Needham raised the firm's price target on TTM Technologies to $30 from $26 and keeps a Buy rating on the shares. The firm remains positive on the company's fundamentals with steady backlog-supported growth in its largest market vertical - Aerospace & Defense - expected in 2025, along with a strong ongoing AI growth catalyst next year in its Data Center Computing business following expected growth of over 55% in 2024, the analyst tells investors in a research note. TTM Technologies's Automotive sector is likely to be down for a third consecutive year in 2025, but growth in Commercial markets and in A&D gives Needham greater confidence in its mid-single-digit growth forecast, the firm added.