The price of MOGU is predicted to go up -19.51%, based on the high correlation periods with ELVA. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 97.07%.
Down: -19.51%Similarity: 97.07%
MOGU Revenue Forecast
MOGU EPS Forecast
What is bull’s view on MOGU?
MOGU stock is currently trading at $1.97, reflecting a bearish sentiment due to a 7.1% decline in its latest session. The drop is attributed to weak investor confidence and lack of significant catalysts driving growth. Without clear signs of recovery or positive developments, the stock remains under pressure.
What is bear's view on MOGU?
MOGU stock is currently bearish, trading at $1.97, down 7.1% recently. The decline reflects weak investor confidence, likely due to poor financial performance and lack of growth catalysts. Without significant improvements, further downside risk remains.