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HOFT Fundamental Analysis

HOFT Earnings Analysis
Net Sales Decline: Consolidated net sales were $104 million, a decrease of $12.5 million or 10.7% compared to the same quarter of the previous year.
Net Sales Decline: For the nine month period, consolidated net sales was $293 million, a decrease of $43 million or 12.9% compared to the same period of the previous year.
Operating Loss Reported: The company reported a consolidated operating loss of $15 million and a net loss of $10.2 million or $0.97 per diluted share attributed to lower overall sales, higher ocean freight costs at Hooker Branded, absorbed indirect costs at Domestic Upholstery as well as the $7.5 million in charges mentioned earlier.
Gross Margin Achievement: The company reported a gross margin of 20.5%, its highest levels since the acquisition in 2016.
Sustainable Profitability Improvement: The restructuring efforts at Home Meridian over the recent years have shown meaningful results towards creating sustainable profitability, including significantly reduced allowance, improved product margins and lower fixed costs across nearly all of this segment.
Home Furnishings Industry Loss: Ongoing low demand in the home furnishings industry adversely affected results, leading to an operating loss of $7.3 million and a consolidated net loss of $4.1 million, or $0.39 per diluted share in Q3 2024.
Sales Decline Analysis: Consolidated net sales decreased by $12.5 million, or 10.7%, compared to the same quarter of the previous year, totaling $104 million.
Net Sales Decline: For the nine-month period, consolidated net sales were $293 million, a decrease of $43 million or 12.9% compared to the same period of the previous year.
Operating Loss Reported: The company reported a consolidated operating loss of $15 million and a net loss of $10.2 million, or $0.97 per diluted share attributed to lower overall sales and higher ocean freight costs.
Net Sales Decline: Net sales decreased by $5.1 million or 11.8% in the third quarter compared to the prior year, primarily due to reduced unit volume.

What is surpport and resistant level for HOFT Stock?
The S1 support level for HOFT Stock is $12.1 ,The R1 resistant level for HOFT Stock is $13.47.