The price of HIMX is predicted to go up 4.17%, based on the high correlation periods with CNFR. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 92.97%.
Up: 4.17%Similarity: 92.97%
HIMX Revenue Forecast
HIMX EPS Forecast
What is revenue forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's revenue in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $200.702M USD.
What is eps forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's eps in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $0.08 USD.
Baird raised the firm's price target on Himax to $15 from $7 and keeps an Outperform rating on the shares. The firm said Co-Packed Optics and AR opportunities, which reach to the core of Himax's technology capabilities, represent secular growth vectors making Himax worth revisiting as a medium-term speculative investment.