The price of EMBC is predicted to go up -10.11%, based on the high correlation periods with CAKE. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 94.68%.
Down: -10.11%Similarity: 94.68%
EMBC Revenue Forecast
EMBC EPS Forecast
What is revenue forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's revenue in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $276.824M USD.
What is eps forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's eps in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $0.715 USD.
BTIG upgraded Embecta to Buy from Neutral with a $26 price target. Shares gained about 30% in Tuesday trading as investors rewarded management's decision to discontinue the patch pump program, notes the analyst, who is also "pleased with the decision from a financial perspective." The rebound in adjusted EBIT margin as a result of a steep cut in R&D spending will unlock significant free cash flow for Embecta to repay debt and reduce its net leverage ratio, the analyst tells investors. When combined with fewer separation-related expenses, the firm thinks Embecta may eventually be able to pursue more opportunistic M&A, the analyst added.