The price of WOLF is predicted to go up 15.79%, based on the high correlation periods with PKG. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 95.95%.
Up: 15.79%Similarity: 95.95%
WOLF Revenue Forecast
WOLF EPS Forecast
What is revenue forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's revenue in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $193.556M USD.
What is eps forecast for next quarter?
The market consensus for 's eps in the upcoming quarter is projected to be approximately $0.87 USD.
Mizuho analyst Vijay Rakesh lowered the firm's price target on Wolfspeed to $6 from $10 and keeps an Underperform rating on the shares. The firm believes the Trump administration potentially ending the $7,500 consumer electric vehicle tax credits implies risk to U.S. EV production and sales, and silicon carbide demand. The firm says legacy auto markers could slow EV ramps in the absence of subsidies. It continues to see headwinds for Wolfspeed from increasing China competition, slower EV sales and SiC pricing, and a potential follow-on offering ahead.