Based on the analysis of news sentiment and technical indicators, the stock price of CIBC (CM) is expected to rise to C$61.60 in the next trading week.
The recommendation is to BUY CIBC (CM) stock.
The price of CM is predicted to go up 118.51%, based on the high correlation periods with AGEN. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 97.08%.
CIBC has significantly improved multiple measures of core banking performance, such as customer perception surveys, promoter scores, and products per a customer. The bank is now operating at a higher level.
CIBC is more Canada-focused than most of its peers. Its consolidated returns on tangible equity remain some of the highest in the industry.
The government has kept the Canadian market attractive by placing barriers to entry, protecting high returns, and the government will continue to attempt to keep the housing market under control, limiting any future hits to profitability.
RBC Capital
Price Target
$74 → $97